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Traveling Again - This Time Hitting the Road

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Like many, I've been getting cabin fever from being in quarantine. I've been in quarantine since mid-March, only seeing my family and doctors and the inside of my apartment is getting to be too much. It seemed like there would be no end in sight, since traveling for the most part is not safe right now. Having a medical condition categorizes me as high risk, and with air travel and hotels, there are too many unknowns and opportunities to be exposed to COVID-19. However, there is one way to travel that is pretty safe right now - RV travel.

RV rentals and sales have increased by 1000% since the beginning of lockdowns in the US. It is easy to see why. RV Travel allows you to have all the comforts of travel, within a safe reach. Depending on the make, model and size, you will likely have a sleeping space, area to cook, and your own restroom. You have to ability to go almost anywhere with all these comforts, keep your space clean & sanitized, and be socially distant from the public...What more could you need?

So with all that in mind, we have officially joined the RV craze!

We purchased a Bushwacker Plus and are hitting the road for a few trips this summer. I'll be providing tips and tricks from the road of how to travel safely during this pandemic.

See everyone on the road and hope you are staying safe!

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